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2024-04-27 10:24:27 来源:禾旺文学 点击:22
1、爱护动物,就是爱护你自己。 To love animals is to love yourself. 2、地球上没有动物,就是一个没有活力的世界。 There is no animal on the earth, it is a world without vitality. 3、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect birds, protect wildlife, and maintain ecological balance. 4、野生动物如此多娇,引无数英雄尽眼红。 Wild animals are so delicate that they attract countless heroes to the eye. 5、关爱野生动物,保护完美家园。 Love wildlife and protect the perfect home. 6、关爱鸟类,保护美好家园! Love birds and protect beautiful home! 7、保护动物,善待生物。 Protect animals and treat creatures well. 8、不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。 Do not eat the field chicken, protect the frog and protect the farmers. 9、关注候鸟,人人有责! It is the responsibility of all to pay attention to migratory birds! 10、爱护动物光荣,虐待动物可耻。 It is shameful to take good care of animals and abuse animals. 11、保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect wildlife and maintain ecological balance. 12、鸟是害虫的。天敌,鸟是人类的益友。 Birds are pests. Natural enemy, bird is a friend of mankind. 13、同在地球上,共享大自然。 Share nature with the earth. 14、为了生命安全,拒食野生动物。 For the sake of life safety, we refuse to eat wild animals. 15、保护野生动物,保护美好家园。 Protect wildlife and protect beautiful homes. 16、莫去江河钓鱼,不与水鸟争食。 Don't go fishing in rivers, and don't fight with waterfowls. 17、森林因鸟儿而活跃,世界因鸟儿绚丽。 The forest is active by birds, and the world is gorgeous because of birds. 18、人人动员,爱鸟护鸟。 Everyone mobilizes, loves the bird to protect the bird. 19、保护动物,人人有责。 It is the responsibility of all to protect animals. 20、为了我们共同的生存环境,请爱鸟护鸟! For our common living environment, please love birds and protect birds! 21、动物和咱是一家,保护动物靠大家。 Animals and we are a family, protecting animals depends on everyone. 22、保护动物吧,不然世界上的最后一种动物是人类。 Protect animals, or the last animal in the world is human. 23、动物也是有生命的,请保护动物。 Animals also have life. Please protect them. 24、让人类在大自然愉快前行,让鸟儿在天空中自由翱翔。 Let human beings move forward happily in nature and let birds fly freely in the sky. 25、给鸟儿一方乐土,给人类一个未来。 Give birds a happy land, give a future to mankind. 26、让咱们倾听大自然最美的旋律,鸟儿的歌声。 Let's listen to the most beautiful melody of nature, the song of birds. 27、你也只是动物。如果你愿意做禽兽。 You're just an animal, too. If you want to be a beast. 28、爱护鸟类,是人品的自然体现。 To love birds is the natural embodiment of human quality. 29、动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。 Animals are close friends of human beings, and human beings are the partners of animal trust. 30、请和动物,做好朋友。 Please be friends with animals. 31、保护野生动物,实现人与自然和谐共处。 Protect wildlife and realize harmonious coexistence between human and nature. 32、野生动物是人类的朋友,保护是最好的选择。 Wildlife is a friend of mankind, and protection is the best choice. 33、尊重生命,从善待小动物开始。 Respect life, start with being nice to small animals. 34、保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。 Protecting wildlife is to care for human beings. 35、啼鸟有时能劝客,山桃无赖已撩人。 Crowing birds can sometimes persuade guests, peach scoundrels have been sultry. 36、保护野生动物,维护生态安全。 Protect wildlife and protect ecological safety. 37、保护野生动物,是人类更好的选择。 Protecting wildlife is a better choice for human beings. 38、让心随鸟儿们一起自由飞翔,让蓝天与鸟儿一起歌唱。 Let the heart fly freely with the birds, let the blue sky sing with the birds. 39、关爱生灵,保护鸟类。 Care for the living and protect the birds. 40、鸟是害虫的天敌,保护美好家园。 Birds are natural enemies of pests and protect a beautiful home. 41、爱护动物,让人类不孤单。 Take good care of animals, so that human beings are not alone. 42、不吃野味,莫为口腹之欲,去做饕餮之徒。 Don't eat wild food. Don't be a gluttonous person for the sake of stomachache. 43、我们也是动物,请善待动物。 We are also animals. Please treat animals well. 44、地球没有了动物,就如蓝天没有了白云。 The earth has no animals, just like the blue sky without white clouds. 45、保护动物,维持生态平衡。 Protect animals and maintain ecological balance. 46、爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。 It is a virtue of human being to love birds and protect birds. 47、护鸟光荣,打鸟可耻。 Bird protection is glorious and it is shameful to fight. 48、护鸟光荣,打鸟可耻。地球上不能只剩下人类。 Bird protection is glorious and it is shameful to fight. There can be no human left on earth. 49、倾听鸟语是一种优雅,爱护鸟儿是一片温情。 Listening to bird language is an elegant, loving birds is a warm feeling. 50、酒香肉香,不如鸟语花香。 Wine is not as fragrant as bird and flower.


